Knowlton Advisors
Rex Knowlton, CCTM
Mr. Reginald (Rex) Knowlton is the Principal of Knowlton Advisors, LLC. In this capacity, Rex provides leadership and support in both the surface transportation and financial arena. Rex additionally serves as CFO or Financial Consultant for several smaller companies.
Rex currently serves as adjunct staff for the Community Transportation Association of America as well as the Community Development Transportation Lending Services performing transportation studies and various consulting to the public and community transportation community as needed.
Rex served as Coordination and United We Ride Ambassador for Federal Transit Administration Region 3 (Mid Atlantic) through the National Resource Center of the Community Transportation Association of America from 2005 through 2012. Rex served Region 8 (Upper Mid-West) from 2005 through 2007.
Rex served as Vice President of Administration for Coordinated Transportation Solutions (CTS) in Ansonia, Connecticut from 2009 through 2011. In this capacity, Rex held responsibility for the human resources, fiscal and IT units of the organization. Rex has also worked with CTS on several projects, including serving as the Implementation Manager for the Maine Non-Emergency Medicaid Transportation contract awarded for six of the eight regions of the state in 2013. In this capacity, Rex oversaw all aspects of transitioning Medicaid from a Fee for Service approach to a Brokerage approach in the six CTS regions for MaineCare.
Rex served as Executive Director of Wheels of Wellness in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from 1989 through 2006 and had been affiliated with the company since 1979 starting as Fiscal Project Manager through 1985 and Assistant Executive Director from 1985 to 1989. Reporting to WHEELS' Board of Directors, Rex held responsibility for management, operation, development and fund-raising for all of WHEELS' programs. In this capacity, Rex was responsible for upwards of 2.5 million passenger trips per year including a fleet of over 250 volunteer, owned and contracted paratransit vehicles, the vast majority of which were focused on providing service to the Medicaid population through the Medical Assistance Transportation Program.
Rex began his fiscal career while attending college by performing accounting functions for a variety of small business operations organized as non for profit corporations as well as partnerships and for profit corporations. This work has continued throughout his career and generally has included all aspects of accounting up to tax preparation and filing. In November 2005, Rex formed the LLC Knowlton Advisors to conduct both the accounting activity as well as activities pertaining to both surface and air transportation.
Rex began his transportation career while attending college job sharing as a shipping clerk at Northern Division in 1970 until 1974 when he was promoted to full time Traffic Manager for Northern Division Bakeries in 1974 through 1976. Rex continued this career with Eastern Transport until 1979 where he served as Office and Accounting Manager.
Current Accounting Work
Rex continues to perform general accounting for the Palmyra Moravian Church, Rosvold Pharmacy, Something Special Stables and STEMteachersNYC. These tasks involve all aspects of the General Ledger as well as periodic reports to the governing bodies on financial performance. Additionally, supportive accounting work continues with CareKinesis and Revolution Care. These tasks involve support of the CFO in whatever arena is desired. In addition, Rex serves as the Treasure on the Board of World Mission for the Moravian Church.
Current Transportation Work
Periodic training projects and workshops are performed for a variety of transportation organizations as outlined on the Knowlton Advisors website throughout the year.
Longer rage assignments currently number three. Rex is working with the Community Development Transportation Lending Services on a project in South Carolina providing technical assistance in support of a town striving to improve community and economic development. Rex is working with the Community Transportation Association of America on two Native American projects involving an assessment of the current transportation provision in order to develop a new tribal transit program.
Professional Affiliations
Community Transportation Association of American (CTAA):
- On the board as representative of the mid-Atlantic region 1993 to 2009
- Board Emeritus since 2009.
- Served as Treasurer 1995-7 and 2004-6.
- Served as President 2000-2.
Transportation Research Board (TRB).
- Member Paratransit Committee 1993-2007 and 2012 – current.
- Panel member Synthesis SB-13: Transit Agency Participation in Medicaid Transportation Programs (2005); Project J-7; Synthesis Topic SA15: Use of Computer Aided Dispatch for Demand Responsive Transit Service (2003). Chair Project H30: Strategies to Increase Coordination of Transit Service at the Regional Level (2001).
National Transit Institute (NTI):
- Member Mobility Management Curriculum Committee (2004).
Institutive of Management Accountants.
- Member since 1971.
Rex's specialities
- Presentations
- Mobility Management
- Financial Responsibility
- Facilitation
- More than 35 years transit experience
- 20 years were with Wheels of Wellness in Philadelphia, PA
- CTAA UWR Ambassador 2005-2012
- Member IMA
Awards & Certifications
Co-Recipient of Dr. and Mrs. William Bell Award
Samaritan Hospice Outstanding Leadership Service Award
Community Transportation Association Manager of the Year
LaSalle University Nonprofit Management Advanced Certification Program
Community Transportation of America Certified Community Transit Manager.
B.A., Business and Economics, Rutgers University, Camden, New Jersey
Board Memberships
2015 to Current
Board of World Mission for the Moravian Church
2012 to Current
Coordinated Transportation Solutions
2005 to Current
Knowlton Charitable Foundation
2004 to Current
Moravian Manor, Lititz Pennsylvania
Treasurer 2013 to Current
Chairman 2008-2011
Vice Chairman 2006 to 2008
1993 to Current
Community Transportation Association of America
Past Chair
Past Treasurer (three terms)
1992 to 2006
Pennsylvania Public Transportation Association
Class V Representative
Past Chair
Past Treasurer (three terms)
Samaritan Hospice
Past Chair
Past Treasurer